Forum – Private Institute

Immersive Teaching in English

English Grade 4-6

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We believe that with the excellent knowledge of English, new paths are opened for development and creation. Our educational program treats the English language as an integral part of every human activity. Our main concern is the smooth integration and cultivation of love for English, elements that will build the foundations for fully functional users of the language, connoisseurs of the digital environment and sensitized citizens.

The English program of the Tutoring Forum operates on the basis of two pillars. The first pillar is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The second pillar is the Written Speech and Vocabulary Development Program. Our goal is to gradually introduce children to the language starting their journey to writing, reading and understanding the language. At higher levels, children acquire the ability to use English to argue and present suggestions and solutions to contemporary problems. Our aim at the Forum is, at the end of their studies, that the children have covered all the levels of the Common European Framework and are fully functional users of the language.

At the same time the children are prepared and evaluated with:
• Diagnostic tests,
• Simulation exams (mock),
• Final internal examinations per level
• External examinations through the Cambridge Assessments certification body (YLE, KET, PET, FCE, IGCSE)

Pillar 1: The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The CEFR is a document drafted by the Council of Europe that describes what every user of every foreign language at every level should be able to do. CEFR is also called the context of what I can do. The levels of CEFR are 6. The levels of the framework in relation to the levels of the Forum are the following.

1. Α1 – Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3
2. Α2 – Grade 4, Grade 5
3. B1 – Grade 6
4. B2 – Grade 7
5. C1 – Grade 8 (IGCSE)
6. C2 -Grade 9 (IELTS)

Pillar 2: The Written Language and Vocabulary Development Program.
The main purpose of this program is to deepen the learning of vocabulary and the techniques of written speech.
Techniques such as:
• the mental maps,
• the association of image and word,
• the production of proposals,
• the correct use of the dictionary and
• the mnemonic exercises
The new vocabulary and the development of speech are done through keeping a vocabulary diary.

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